MONOSPAZZOLA Single disk machine

Una gamma di monospazzole con differenti misure e velocità di rotazione per ogni tipo di lavaggio, manutenzione, lucidatura e trattamento.

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    RS 50Single disk machine

    Type of job: Wash or polish functions
    Area to be cleaned: 500-1000 m²
    Type of cleaning operation: Maintenance / Heavy duty
    Width of the surface to be cleaned: 53 cm
    Brush speed: 154 rpm
    Weight: 34,9 Kg
    Supply: Cable 230 V
    Dimensions: 1120x625x505 mm

    RS 43Single disk machine

    Type of job: Wash or polish functions
    Area to be cleaned: 200-1000 m²
    Type of cleaning operation: Maintenance / Heavy duty
    Width of the surface to be cleaned: 43 cm
    Brush speed: 154 rpm
    Weight: 40,3 Kg
    Supply: Cable 230 V
    Dimensions: 1200x542x425 mm

    RS 33Single disk machine

    Type of job: Wash or polish functions
    Area to be cleaned: 200-500 m²
    Type of cleaning operation: Maintenance / Heavy duty
    Width of the surface to be cleaned: 33 cm
    Brush speed: 190 rpm
    Weight: 36,7 Kg
    Supply: Cable 230 V
    Dimensions: 1120x420x340 mm

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Dischi Bianco

Disk type:
Cleaning type: Pulizia di finitura e lucidatura a secco
Dirty type: Sporco leggero
Surfaces: Superfici delicate moquette, Superfici delicate legno

Dischi Nero

Disk type:
Cleaning type: Deep cleaning and partial wet wiping
Dirty type: Heavy dirty
Surfaces: For all surfaces

Dischi Rosso

Disk type:
Cleaning type: Frequent cleaning and dry polishing or spray cleaning
Dirty type: Dirty lightweight
Surfaces: For all surfaces

Dischi Verde

Disk type:
Cleaning type: Deep cleaning and partial wet wiping
Dirty type: Dirty medium
Surfaces: For all surfaces

Spazzole Mischia

Brush type: Mischia
Cleaning type: Maintenance
Dirty type: Dirty lightweight
Surfaces: Surfaces of security and surveying

Spazzole Nylon

Brush type: Nylon
Cleaning type: Maintenance
Dirty type: Dirty medium
Surfaces: For all surfaces

Spazzole PPL

Brush type: Ppl
Cleaning type: Light maintenance
Dirty type: Dirty lightweight
Surfaces: For all surfaces, Delicate surfaces

Spazzole Tynex

Brush type: Tynex
Cleaning type: Bottom
Dirty type: Heavy dirty
Surfaces: Raw surfaces