The vacuuming motor of the scrubber-driers can be damaged by water and by dust, therefore the entire suction unit has to be duly protected. Protected suction motors guarantee safety and low maintenance costs.
The vacuuming motor of the scrubber-driers can be damaged by water and by dust, therefore the entire suction unit has to be duly protected. Protected suction motors guarantee safety and low maintenance costs.
To prevent the suction motor to be damaged by possible water vauumed from the dirty water tank, the most common systems are:
A mechanical floater which “closes” the vacuuming once the water in the dirty water tank reaches a certain level.
Otherwise, the suction motor can be stopped by an electrical floater. Also foam, in case of not proper usage of detergent, can damage seriously the vacuum motor.
The systems explained above are in general very helpfull to have vacuuming motors protected.
The filter can be an additinal protection against dust which can be vacuumed through the squegee.
All the RCM scrubber-driers are equipped with safety and protection systems and, for this reason, can be also operated by not-skilled personnel