Perfectly clean floors. What is the Sinner’s circle?

Types of dirt

Cleaning techniques and factors providing with the best result: here’s how to clean more efficiently and with the biggest return from your own work.

The Sinner’s circle is a combination of four factors which contribute to the complete removal of clingy dirt and to the best economic return. Temperature, chemistry, contact time and mechanical power are the factors determining the efficiency of the entire cleaning procedure.

The Sinner’s circle in four points

It depends on the chemical solution most suitable to the type of dirt to be removed (maintenance detergents, degreaser, dewaxing products, limescale removers, etc.)

The effect of hot water (up to 50°C) determines the detergent procedure (dewaxing, degreasing). Room and workplace temperature also influence the final outcome.

Contact time
The time that the chemical requires to work most efficiently on the dirt.

Mechanical power
It comprises all manual and mechanical actions that remove the dirt maintained in dispersion phase by the detergent solution (mop cleaning, single-brush machines, washer-dryer, etc.)

These factors, of course, affect cleaning techniques differently, since a certain type of dirt will be more or less sensitive to a specific factor instead of others.

Factorial circle of the degreasing procedure

For instance, to remove greasy dirt of organic or inorganic origin, a degreasing detergent can be used depending on what solvent has an effect on the dirt for at least 10 minutes, in order to obtain the best detachment from the surface. You can also use hot water up to 55°C to facilitate the chemical action. The type of machines that allow the most effective dirt removal are single-brush machines, wet vacuum cleaners and scrubbers.

Factorial circle of the dewaxing procedure

The same procedure is also used for the removal of the wax protections but, instead of the degreasing detergent, a de-waxing product is chosen. In such a way, the chemical reaction will be specific, according to the type of protection and the thickness of the wax to be removed.

Factorial circle of the limescale removal procedure

For the removal of limestone dirt and saline efflorescence, a strong acidic detergent is used. This product, with an adequate contact time on the surface, solubilizes the residues by making them easily removable by mechanical action. In this case, the temperature has a minimal influence on the other actions.

In these specific cases, choosing the most suitable chemical and its contact time on the dirt will affect the final outcome, much more than mechanical intervention. Therefore, it is very important to know how to take advantage from the effectiveness of the various factors in order to obtain an optimal result.

For further information, or to know how to find the most suitable machine for your cleaning procedure, please contact us with the form:


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