RCM MILLE PLUS – The compact and handy industrial sweeper

compact handy industrial sweeper | RCM

The latest professional sweeper RCM MILLE PLUS


Evolution of an icon in the cleaning industry

The MILLE PLUS, developped by the consolidated experience of RCM in medium and large professional sweepers and successor of the R MILLE model, introduced in in 2001, is definetively an appreciated product on the market because of the maneuverability and sturdiness, which makes it ideal for rental.

MILLE PLUS kept the same basic characteristics of R MILLE as the result of over 20 years of experience of production and use in all climatic conditions, from the intense cold of Northern Europe to the heat of African countries.


Optimizing maintenance and design MILLE PLUS

The look has been improved by chamfering the front-left part of the bonnet to grant  an excellent view to the sweeping areas. MILLE PLUS is even easier than R MILLE to drive. This characteristic, together with the great sturdiness of every components, makes MILLE PLUS a professional cleaning machine, particularly appreciated in rental services becuase requires no training for the driver who is always at the front of the machine.

MILLE PLUS is the ideal sweeper to stand  particularly heavy duties. Moreover, in order to makes things easy for both new clients as well as RCM long time clients, to facilitate both long-standing and new clients, most of the components remained the same as R MILLE, especially wearing parts and consumales (brushes, flaps).

industrial sweepers RCM

Driver’s seat at front – Maximum safety and visibility

heavy duties sweeper

Ideal for heavy duties

maintenance sweeper RCM

Easy maintenance

A sustainable and last generation professional sweeper

The aesthetic changes made in this latest version not only increased functionality, but also increase the appeal.  MILLE PLUS includes improvements which increase its sustainability: the diesel engine complies the latest European regulations and electric engine, the energy saving electric motor and, last but not least, the possibility to use the latest generation of lithium batteries (click here), to reduce impact to the enviroment. Every aspect has been refined to meet today’s needs without sacrificing performance.

For more technical details and specifications, please visit the page dedicated to the MILLE PLUS

 You can use the website’s search and find the machine that best suits your needs. Contact us with the form below, to get all the information on the most effective solution for your specific professional cleaning needs!